Maison Vie Restaurant - Fine French Cuisine


1. Coquilles Saint-Jacques

Coquilles Saint-Jacques

You think you know scallops but if you haven’t tried this dish, you don’t know shit.

What to drink: A sauvignon or a Chablis.

For dessert: These scallops are often served for Christmas. So what better dessert than a bûche, the traditional French Christmas dessert to go with it? And who said you can’t serve this dessert any time of the year?

2. Baked Camembert

Baked Camembert

It is a Camembert. And it is BAKED. What more do you need to know?

What to drink: A red Bordeaux.

For dessert: A tarte tatin, a French apple pie, to end the meal on a sweet and light note.

3. Moules Marinières

Moules Marinières

Các Hiệp hội giữa trai và khoai tây chiên kiểu Pháp là một đặc sản Bỉ, nhưng nó rất phổ biến ở Pháp và chúng tôi đã mang twist riêng của chúng tôi để các công thức. Có rất nhiều cách để nấu ăn trai, yêu thích của tôi là marinières Dijonaises, một công thức từ phía tây của Pháp, nơi bạn nấu ăn các trai trong một nước dùng rượu vang trắng với hẹ tây và mùi tây.

Uống gì: Một bia vàng Bỉ, hoặc một loại rượu vang trắng.

Đối với món tráng miệng: Clafoutis một, theo truyền thống được thực hiện với anh đào nhưng bạn có thể chuyển chúng cho đại hoàng.

4. Buckwheat Crêpes

Buckwheat Crêpes

In Brittany, authentic savory crêpes are made with buckwheat flour and filled with anything you can dream of.

What to drink: Apple cider.

For dessert: Crêpes suzette.

5. Blanquette de Veau

Blanquette de Veau

You’ll have a hard time finding a more quintessential French dish than this veal ragout. It’s très très bon.

What to drink: A red Bordeaux.

For dessert: A Paris-Brest, a cream puff filled with whipped cream.

6. Soupe à L’oignon

Soupe à L'oignon

ơThe queen of all soups. This is how New York Times food critic Amanda Hesser described it: “It is one of the strangest and most delicious soup recipes I’ve encountered. … By the time it is done, the ‘soup’ is like a savory bread pudding and the top has a thick, golden crust that your guests will fight to the death over.”

What to drink: A Beaujolais.

For dessert: Chocolate éclairs. The real ones are filled with chocolate cream and not vanilla custard like most recipes in English would have you believe.

7. Sole Meunière

Sole Meunière

You don’t need fancy preparations to get an awesome result, especially when it comes to fish. Sole meunière is thus a very straightforward and easily prepared recipe. The final dish is flavorful, crispy, buttery, and lemony, all at once.

What to drink: A white wine, like a Sancerre.

For dessert: Kouign-amann, a deliciously caramelized specialty from Brittany.

8. Hachis Parmentier

Hachis Parmentier

A layer of mashed potatoes and a layer of juicy ground beef (or, as I like to call them, two layers of heaven). Hachis Parmentier is often described as a French version of shepherd’s pie. It is French comfort food at its best and it is fairly easy to prepare.

What to drink: A red wine, something like an Alsacian pinot noir.

For dessert: A crème brûlée. It’s delicious, fun to prepare, and a perfect way to warm up a cold winter night.

9. Boudin Noir Aux Pommes

Boudin Noir Aux Pommes

Boudin noir is a blood sausage. If you’re not repelled by the concept, you’re in for a treat. There are several varieties of boudin (in the French Caribbean they produce a delicious spicy blood sausage that’s worth the trip alone). The traditional French boudin noir is excellent on its own or served with baked apples.

What to drink: A red Bordeaux.

For dessert: A pithiviers, an almond-flavored cake.

10. Cheese Soufflé

Cheese Soufflé

Like Audrey Hepburn’s culinary school instructor in Sabrina puts it: “The soufflé it must be gay, gay, gay. Like two butterflies dancing the waltz in the summer breeze.” Doesn’t it make you want to channel your inner French chef?

What to drink: Both a red Beaujolais and a white riesling would work.

For dessert: Some salted butter caramels.

11. Steak Tartare

Steak Tartare

When you eat steak tartare, you’re eating meat the way it is supposed to be eaten: raw. Don’t be scared and unleash your primal instinct.

What to drink: A red Bordeaux.

For dessert: A French apple cake.

12. Pot-au-feu


This beef and vegetable stew is the ultimate French winter dish. You’ll have a hard time finding anything more heartwarming and comforting (except for cassoulet).

What to drink: A red wine, like a cabernet franc.

For dessert: A far breton, a prune cake from Brittany.

13. Piperade


Piperade is a specialty from the French Basque country. It is a little bit like ratatouille, except not really since you use mostly onions and peppers for the Basque specialty. Bake a few eggs in the dish and you’re in for a treat.

What to drink: A cabernet sauvignon.

For dessert: A gâteau Basque, the most famous and delicious pastry from the French Basque Country.

14. Magret de Canard

Magret de Canard

Magret is French for duck breast. The secret here is in the cook of the meat. You want the meat to be bloody for it to be good.

What to drink: A red Bordeaux.

For dessert: A yogurt cake, the simplest cake recipe ever.

15. Garbure


It’s a southwestern stew made of ham, cabbage, and other vegetables. It’s both comforting and delicious.

What to drink: A tannat.

For dessert: A pastis landais, a sweet brioche from the same area as the garbure.

16. Cassoulet


A legendary French chef once said this duck and beans stew was the god of southwestern French food. He was wrong. Cassoulet is the god of ALL FOODS. Nothing — and I mean NOTHING — can match the comfort brought to you by a good cassoulet. It is the most heartwarming and delicious dish there is. Making a good cassoulet takes some time and effort, but it’s all worth it.

What to drink: A red wine, preferably from the southwest of France.

For dessert: A French apple tart. You can’t really go wrong with this classic.

17. Pan-seared Foie Gras

Pan-seared Foie Gras

You may think the way we make foie gras is cruel. And maybe you’re right. But there is no better way to soothe the guilt than to taste pan-seared foie gras. Foie gras paté is delicious, but pan-seared foie gras is unique and amazing. The hardest part of this recipe is finding a fresh whole foie gras at a local store. Once you have it, the recipe is actually fairly easy and the result mind-blowing.

What to drink: Both red and white wines work well this dish. A red Bordeaux will be nice, but you may also want to try a sweet white wine.

For dessert: A French lemon tart to end on a fresh and sweet note.

18. Confit de Canard

Confit de Canard

I don’t know who had the idea to cook a duck in its own fat, but that genius should be canonized. Even the strongest atheist will believe in God after tasting this specialty, especially if it’s served with duck fat-fried potatoes.

What to drink: A red Bordeaux.

For dessert: A French strawberry pie.

19. Poulet Basquaise

Poulet Basquaise

This chicken, pepper, and tomato stew from the French Basque country was a favorite of Julia Child. It’s simple, straightforward, and, you guessed it, comforting.

What to drink: A red Bordeaux.

For dessert: A Basque pumpkin cornbread.

20. Lamprey à la Bordelaise

Lamprey à la Bordelaise

This dish is not for everyone and the preparation itself is quite gruesome. You have to bleed a lamprey — aka the ugliest animal EVER —and collect the blood that you then use in the sauce along with red wine. It was already served in some parts of France in the Middle Ages and became widespread in most European courts in the 17th century.

What to drink: A Bordeaux supérieur.

For dessert: Cannelés, a specialty from Bordeaux. Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, with a subtle taste of rum and vanilla.

21. Quenelles of Pike with Lobster Sauce

Quenelles of Pike with Lobster Sauce

The first time I tasted quenelles of pike I heard angels sing. This specialty from Lyon is rich — and if you’re watching your cholesterol you should try something else — but it is never heavy. The texture is light and fluffy and the pike flavor very subtle. But it is the lobster sauce that brings the whole thing to an enchanting dimension.

What to drink: A chardonnay.

For dessert: Some bugnes lyonnaises, a sweet treat from Lyon.

22. Soupe de Poisson à la Rouille

Soupe de Poisson à la Rouille

This fish soup was born in Marseille. It used to be a fishermen’s dish, so the fish involved in its preparation is pretty cheap. Tomatoes and saffron give it a beautiful color. The final, and crucial, touch is the “rouille,” a saffron mayonnaise that goes on top.

What to drink : My grandmother, who makes a killer fish soup, told me a rosé was in order. For the wine snobs who roll their eyes at the mention of rosé, a Provence white wine will also work very well.

For dessert : Navettes de Marseille, a sweet pastry flavored with orange blossom water. It is shaped like a boat, to stick with the fishing theme.

23. Gigot D’Agneau Pleureur

Gigot D'Agneau Pleureur

A “crying lamb gigot.” The meat is cooked in the oven, slowly, on a grill, with the potatoes placed on a rack underneath it. The meat’s juices fall on the potatoes and cook them.

What to drink: A red Médoc wine.

For dessert: Profiteroles, cream puffs filled with vanilla ice cream and topped with hot chocolate sauce.

24. Bouillabaisse


This saffron-flavored stew is the most iconic dish from Marseille and it shares the warmth of the city. It involves four different types of fish and a variety of shellfish. It’s a classic that will be appreciated by all seafood lovers.

What to drink: A white or a rosé from Provence.

For dessert: A Beaumes de Venise cake with grapes, named after a little town in the Vaucluse.

25. Pissaladière


Pissaladière is a pizza with onion, olives, and anchovies. Beautifully simple and totally delicious.

What to drink: A rosé.

For dessert: A tarte tropézienne, which is basically a giant cream puff.

26. Soupe au Pistou

Soupe au Pistou

This soup is a specialty from Provence made with the French version of pesto. It’s both comforting and flavorful.

What to drink: A red or rosé wine from Provence.

For dessert: Some macarons, just because they’re really good.

27. Ratatouille


This dish is so famous it even had a Pixar movie named after it, but I couldn’t possibly write a post about French food without including it. So there you go.

What to drink: A red wine or a rosé from the south of France. A merlot will work well too.

For dessert: French almond nougat, one of the best French candies.

28. Roasted Chicken and Garlic

Roasted Chicken and Garlic

Roasted chicken with potatoes is the traditional Sunday lunch in France, whether you buy it already roasted at the local farmers market or you make it at home. There are several recipes, but my favorite includes whole garlic cloves roasted with the chicken. When you eat the chicken you crush the roasted cloves on the meat. It’s unbelievably good.

What to drink: Pretty much any red wine goes with that one.

For dessert: Another French classic, the religieuse — pastry cream, chocolate ganache and whipped cream.

29. Navarin D’Agneau

Navarin D'Agneau

It’s kind of a lighter (but equally delicious) version of boeuf bourguignon. Except that it’s made with lamb, white wine, and spring vegetables.

What to drink: Although it’s made with white wine, a pinot noir is the best option to go with the dish.

For dessert: A French fig tart.

30. Foie de Veau à la Lyonnaise

Foie de Veau à la Lyonnaise

Calf liver. It may not sound appetizing at first but if you prepare it well it will wow your taste buds. In Lyon, they make it with caramelized onions, but you can also use shallots. Another option is to sauté the liver with parsley and garlic.

Here is the recipe for the veal liver with caramelized shallots. And one for the garlic and parsley option.

What to drink: A merlot from Bordeaux.

For dessert: A Saint Honoré, a pastry composed of cream puffs, pastry cream, and whipped cream. Believe me, your life is meaningless until you try this wonder.

31. Aligot


Mashed potatoes with melted cheese and garlic. Native to the Aubrac, a volcanic region with deserted granite landscapes in the center of France, it is an ideal comfort food.

What to drink: A cabernet sauvignon.

For dessert: Some madeleines, Marcel Proust’s favorite delicacy (he is not alone).

32. Fondue Savoyarde

Fondue Savoyarde

Melted cheese with white wine and garlic served in a communal pot where everyone dips their bread. This typical dish from the French Alps is very convivial and a perfect way to feed a group of friends after a long winter day.

What to drink: A chardonnay.

For dessert: A Savoy cake, a specialty from the same region as the fondue.

33. Tartiflette


A luxurious potato dish from the French Alps made with melted cheese, lardons (French bacon), and onions. Do you really need more convincing?

What to drink: A white wine from Savoie.

For dessert: A baba au rhum, a rum-soaked dessert.

34. Gratin Dauphinois

Gratin Dauphinois

An authentic gratin dauphinois doesn’t have any cheese. It is just made of sliced potatoes baked in milk, or cream. The preparation is easy and the result always satisfying.

What to drink: A red wine, like a Beaujolais.

For dessert: To end the meal on a light touch, some homemade fromage blanc with some seasonal fruits.

35. Coq au Vin

Coq au Vin

This may be one of the most famous French dishes in the U.S., thanks to Julia Child’s book Mastering the Art of French Cooking. It was originally made with a rooster, but chicken is now more commonly used. It is cooked in a red wine sauce with bacon, butter, and beef stock. And it is ridiculously delicious.

What to drink : If you can, a pinot noir from Bourgogne. Otherwise an American pinot noir should do the trick.

For dessert : A chocolate mousse. Because, why not?

36. Flammekueche


A thin-crust pizza with crème fraîche, onions, and bacon that comes from Alsace, the French region at the border with Germany. It won’t help you achieve your daily intake of vegetables but no vegetable tastes this good.

What to drink: A Gewürztraminer, an Alsatian wine.

For dessert: A kouglof, an Alsatian brioche.

37. Raclette


Another brilliant melted cheese specialty. It is originally from Switzerland but it’s a very common winter dish in France, where regions such as Savoie and Franche-Comté make a cheese very close to the Swiss raclette. It may be one of of the easiest meals to prepare — you just cover baked potatoes, ham and salami with the melted cheese. It’s obviously delicious.

What to drink: A red or white wine from Savoie.

For dessert: A Mont-Blanc, a dessert made with chestnut cream and meringue.

38. Choucroute Garnie

Choucroute Garnie

This generous dish is the Alsatian version of sauerkraut with sausages, pork ribs, and potatoes. A nice and hearty family dinner.

What to drink: A riesling.

For dessert: A männele, an Alsatian brioche that is traditionally made to celebrate Saint Nicholas.

39. Baeckeoffe


Back in the days when laundry machines were not even a dream, women used to spend one day a week washing clothes. They didn’t have time to cook that day so they would make baeckeoffe ahead of time, cover the dish with a bread batter and leave it at the local bakery on their way to the lavoir. The baker would leave the dish in the oven to bake for the rest of the day. Even though the days of the lavoir are over, baeckeoffe is still around because it’s fucking amazing.

What to drink: A pinot noir.

For dessert: A damson pie, another specialty from Alsace.

40. Quiche Lorraine

Quiche Lorraine

A classic and one of the easiest recipes on this list, it is always a hit. The secret is to achieve the perfect balance between the soft and creamy batter and the salty and crunchy bacon. Perfect if you feel like cooking but don’t have much time.

What to drink: A dry white wine such as an Alsatian pinot gris.

For dessert: A mirabelle plum and almond frangipane tart.

41. Boeuf Bourguignon

Boeuf Bourguignon

Its name may be hard to pronounce but boeuf bourguignon is always easy to eat. It is basically a delicious red wine beef stew. It is also one of the rare dishes that is even better the second day. So if you’re hosting a dinner and want to cook in advance, this is a perfect option.

What to drink: A red from Bourgogne.

For dessert: An île flottante.

42. Escargots


Snails with butter, garlic, and parsley. If it grosses you out, good. That just leaves more for us.

What to drink: A Bourgogne aligoté.

For dessert: A raspberry charlotte.

43. Gougères


Gougères are cheese puffs. If you need any more convincing then maybe you don’t deserve to try them.

What to drink: Red or white wine, doesn’t really matter.

For dessert: Some meringue cookie bites.

44. Cod Accras

Cod Accras

As a friend of mine puts it: “No one really likes cod but somehow everyone loves cod accras.” These deep-fried French Caribbean specialties can be served as appetizers or in a sandwich. They are very good and highly addictive.

What to drink: Ti’Punch, a rum cocktail from the French Caribbean.

For dessert: Another specialty from the French Caribbean, a blanc-manger coco — a delicious and refreshing coconut-flavored jelly-like cake.

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28 Tăng Bạt Hổ, Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam |  | Online reservation click here | Hotline +84904150383 | 024-3633 0206 | Open: 10:00 am – 10:00 pm