Maison Vie Restaurant - Fine French Cuisine
French Cuisine Chill this summer season with Hanoi specialty: cool snail noodles

Chill this summer season with Hanoi specialty: cool snail noodles

In the space of Hanoi’s Dong Da District, this particular edition of snail noodles cools on the sizzling heat of summer time.

I stopped my motorcycle at the sight of the shoulder pole over the sidewalk. Finding the location wasn’t hard although one might as easily ignore the neatly organized stall.

A 100 meters inside Alley 136, Tay Son Street, life appears to have an alternative façade. The motorbike horns appear to be much less cacophonous in this questionable alleyway.

The shoulder pole occupies a humble area on the sidewalk.
The shoulder pole occupies a small area on the sidewalk.

Unlike the feast of the warm model of BUN OC is, chilly snail soup is just about unique because of its utmost simplicity. One serving, being VND30,000 (1dolar1 1.28), entails 2 bowls, one each of snails and noodles in snail broth.

One portion includes a bowl of rice noodle, steamed snails and broth.
One portion includes a bowl of rice noodles, steamed snails and broth.

The proprietor, whose name I never ever find out, is practiced and quick. I barely sit on my plastic-made stool when the very first bowl of bun, or maybe Vietnamese rice noodles, seems on my metallic paper tray placed on an additional stool.

With a metallic stick, she expertly pulls out steamed snail flesh from the layer and places in another bowl. Then some miraculous happens: the female takes an extended bamboo ladle to harvest the snail broth from a mystical opening in the middle of 1 of the baskets of her. It turns out the gap inside the mouth of a pot repaired in the rattan bin.

The pot of snail broth is hide under a rattan cover.
The pot of snail broth is hide under a rattan cover.

The dish is done with a number of drops of chili sauce. The sauce is great spicy as well as will keep the smell of the snails at bay. « Snails are believed to be’ cold’ on the belly, and also I want the cool sauce to warm up it up, » Trang, that was having the second bowl of her of noodles, believed.

But while a couple of drops of the chili sauce might perform the job completely, a spoonful might burn off your tongue. « I set up a lot of chili sauce; it’s a little too powerful for me, » Trang stated morosely.

The hot chilli sauce is a crucial element of the dish.
The hot chilli sauce is a crucial element of the dish.

At several cool snail noodle stalls in Hanoi, the noodles are bar shaped vermicelli. But this stall offers tangled noodle locks. The option is not bad because the small locks of noodle go well together with the coolness of the recipe.

The thin noodle strands are dipped into the sour and sweet broth.
The thin noodle strands are dipped into the sour and sweet broth.

The broth is the blend of steamed snail broth as well as wine vinegar, dealing with customers sour as well as sweet savor.

« There was a boy that believed the broth was fish sauce and try to remaining half of it unblemished. Later on as he discovered it was snail broth, he will drink all of the broth until his bowl was clean, » stated the owner.

Not to duplicate the boy’s error, I drank the majority of the broth. The sourness is not really too strong; it rather gives me an enjoyable great feeling within the fierce heat.

The broth comprised steamed snail broth and wine vinegar.
The broth comprised steamed snail broth and wine vinegar.

The stall is available from ten a.m. to six p.m. every day. The percentage is ideal for a light dinner. You may have to purchase a second helping in case you’re hungry.

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28 Tăng Bạt Hổ, Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam |  | Online reservation click here | Hotline +84904150383 | 024-3633 0206 | Open: 10:00 am – 10:00 pm